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 New Website Section: My 1976 Mazda Cosmo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 04 2010 : 5:49:26 PM
It has been a long time, a very long time (if file dates are to be believed), since the basic structure of this website has changed. So it was a bit weird now to for the first time in about 10 years, change the content of the home page.

I have just added a new section to this website chronicling the restoration of my 1976 Mazda RX-5 Cosmo. This part of the site will be updated often as I am currently in the process of restoring the car and releasing the entire project as a series of YouTube episodes. I'm already up to episode 7, as those who have been following it on YouTube already know, so it was about time that this website was made up to date with my progress.

On a slightly sadder note, I have depreciated the Features section of the site. I needed room for the Cosmo area, and in truth, Features have not been updated in a few years and is now redundant thanks to Random Thoughts. While Features has been removed from the home page, for the time being it remains in the remote. Eventually it will be removed from the remote as well, but the files will always remain on the server to keep links alive.

Hey, anyone ever wonder how I generated those graphics on the home page? Well, it was with "The Print Shop Deluxe: CD-ROM Edition". I had to fire up a Windows 98 virtual machine in order to run the program and make the new graphics...ah, memories.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 30 2010 : 11:15:26 AM
Good luck with that.
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 28 2010 : 02:55:56 AM
It is officially Aaron Cake day!
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 26 2010 : 10:20:56 AM
Yes, yes I did. And my Festivus gift to everyone was Episode 8.
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 23 2010 : 5:30:54 PM
Happy Festivus! Did you put up your pole?
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 22 2010 : 09:34:16 AM
There was a floppy version which had far less clipart. And before that was the DOS version which came on both 5 1/4" and 3 1/2" disks. It would actually run right from the floppy but that meant the user had to keep swapping disks...
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 8:35:54 PM
Did they make a different edition besides CD-ROM back then?
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 20 2010 : 6:20:40 PM
Yes it was CD-ROM. Ahh the good ol' days.
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 19 2010 : 10:05:11 AM
The videos end suddenly becuase during editing I find myself out of time. YouTube has a 15 minute length limit and it creeps up on me every time. Director accounts used to have something like a 2 hours limit but that was removed about a year ago. Now all you get with a director account is the ability to post a logo...yay.

Was the Print Shop Deluxe you found the CD-ROM edition?
wasssup1990 Posted - Dec 17 2010 : 02:01:38 AM
Sorry I left out the I was responding to.

"But the videos end so suddenly then I feel disappointed."
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 16 2010 : 12:50:28 AM
I just found a copy of The Print Shop Deluxe in my shed today, still wrapped in the new plastic and packaging.
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 15 2010 : 6:28:32 PM
Originally posted by wasssup1990

Laugh Out Loud! Yeah I noticed that too.

Noticed what too?
wasssup1990 Posted - Dec 15 2010 : 01:59:37 AM
Laugh Out Loud! Yeah I noticed that too.
Yerboogieman Posted - Dec 14 2010 : 09:51:26 AM
It's been eight years according to the Wayback Machine. Beware of AaronCake day. I love these videos, they are really great, and has even pushed me a little bit to start working on some of my projects. But the videos end so suddenly then I feel disappointed.
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 12 2010 : 10:53:05 AM
There are parts of the website that even I have not seen in years. For example, I just added navigation bars and CAPTCHAs to the spudun section and forgot about my spudgun math page, which is really nifty.
wasssup1990 Posted - Dec 05 2010 : 11:46:08 AM
Cool! I just watched Part 1 and I'll probably watch the others every night. I've been flat out working on a project of mine doing mostly design and research and it will be good to just watch something unrelated, like your Cosmo. It's almost 4AM, the sun will be up in a few hours so I better hit the sack. There are still parts of this website I haven't explored yet.

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